Little Planet: The Pre nursery school of Delhi with a facility of day care center
Are you going to enroll your kid in the preschool located in neighborhood only because it would be a convenient for you? Then you should think again as preschool is no more a place where kids go to learn mere some words and basic etiquettes. In fact, it is the place which laid the foundation of your kid’s student life. Hence, you should make sure that it offers all the services which are there in an international playschool. Always remember that the main reason for enrolling the kid into a preschool is to give him a chance to communicate with other kids, so that he can easily express himself in front of others.
Therefore Little Planet, a pre nursery school in Delhi has appointed a number of professionals which work extensively for the overall growth of your kid. Our team of experts consists of physiotherapist, Speech therapist, clinical psychologists and kid education specialists. We provide our kids technological-rich and center based environment which help them to quickly pick up language and other important skills.
Also, lot of fun activities are done in school as per the interest of kids like cooking projects, drawing competitions, singing competitions, racing and much more. An added feature of our preschool is that we also have our own day care center which has the reputation of the best day care center in Delhi. You just have to fill up the form of day care center. Once, the school is over, the kid will directly go to the day care center where he will have lunch, take some games, play games, complete his homework and will have company of teachers and other kids. Moreover, you can come to pick up him up at any time. Thus, you don’t have to worry about anything as we will take a good care of your little one. By becoming a part of school the understanding between you and your kid will also improved. So, enroll your kid in Little Planet today for your kid’s brighter future.